I made it

After 26 hours of travel, I made it safely to Asuncion, Paraguay on Tuesday afternoon. I was greeted with a hug at the airport by my host cousin, Lupe, who is also 23. She speaks perfect English and eased me into the country. I was immediately served tererĂ©, a traditional Paraguayan iced tea that they constantly pass around, on the way to her Aunt and Uncle's house where I will be staying for the next 7 months. They live about 5 miles outside of Asuncion in a colorful house designed for hosting social events. My host family consists of my host mom and dad and 4 host sisters: Yanine, 22, Marcia, 20, Maira, 18, and Bianca, 15. They are the nicest, most welcoming people I have ever met and already call me their fifth daughter. They don't speak any English and 90% of their conversations are beyond my current understanding. But they are very patient with me and we are managing to get along great. I have not started work at the pre-school yet, so during the days Yanine has been taking me around and intruducing me to the culture. Every night cousins come over to cook, eat, and hang out. I can already tell that this is a culture I am going to love.

Pictures to come.


  1. Oh my god Katie! It sounds perfect! I am really jealous...can't wait to hear more!


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